Orthodontic treatment uses custom-made appliances called brackets and wires to shift your teeth into alignment. The braces apply gentle pressure to gradually move your teeth into their correct positions, resulting in a beautiful new smile. While the process may seem intimidating at first, your orthodontist will give you plenty of advice to make wearing braces as easy as possible!
Eating the wrong foods with braces can lead to broken wires and brackets, delayed treatment, cavities, and various other issues. A few foods need to be avoided, while others need to be eaten with care. Listed below are some examples of foods that are safe to eat and those you should avoid when you have braces.
Sticky or chewy candies like caramel and taffy should be avoided with braces to avoid damaging the brackets or wires. Hard candies, lollipops, jelly beans, and other treats can easily get stuck between teeth, potentially breaking your enamel or leaving marks on your orthodontic appliances. Instead of sugary treats, patients should choose soft options like granola bars, dried fruit, and baked cookies.
Patients should also limit their intake of carbonated beverages to prevent damage to teeth, gums, and orthodontic appliances. Acidic drinks can weaken the bonds that hold the brackets to the teeth and cause white spots to develop around the bracket edges. In addition, sodas contain sugar and acid that can lead to tooth decay. Although fruit juice is healthier than soda, it still contains natural sugars that can harm your teeth when consumed excessively. Instead, opt for unsweetened teas and water whenever possible. Hot or cold, plain water is always the best option for keeping your mouth clean during treatment. Water is also great for rinsing away food particles from between teeth after a meal.
Eating hard foods like popcorn, nuts, and caramels should be avoided while wearing braces. These types of food can break the wires of your braces or even damage your brackets or bands. Instead of eating these snacks, consider substituting them with a soft option like peanut butter or yogurt.
Crunchy foods, like chips, crackers, and popcorn, can easily get stuck in or around your braces. These foods are not only unhealthy for your teeth, but they can also cause painful cuts and sores in your gums.
You should also avoid foods that are sticky or sugary, as they can stick to your brackets and cause decay. If you do eat something with sugar in it, you should brush your teeth afterward to remove any excess residue.
Get in touch with Carroll Orthodontics at 1116 W Main St, Hamilton, MT 59840, or 3920 US Hwy 93, Stevensville, MT 59870, or call (406) 363-2200 to learn more.